RM (Requirement Management)
  • Traceability Management
  • The entire requirement traceability information can be seen in a single viewing on screen. Zoom in / out functionality is available through the desired shape, and select the applicable requirements, the specific requirements relevant to easily identify possible highlights. You can view documents in the separate views to easily identify the association between the documents and the document as a convenient way to move.
Main features & Functions
GUI Traceability with Zoomable Feature
Requirements & Document Traceability View
Impact Analysis for Unit Requirements
Hyperbolic Viewer
RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix)
Horizontal & Vertical Traceability
Vertical & Horizontal Traceability
There are vertical traceability matrix which shows relationships between requirements and horizontal traceability matrix which displays relationships between requirements and test cases.
GUI with Zoom
The traceability view shows information just like a world map. Users can easily trace relationship between requirements by zoom in and zoom out mouse motion. The matrix also provides users with panning motion. Those user-friendly graphical features help users for better understandings.
Impact Analysis
Impact analysis can be performed quickly and easily through traceability information of up-stream and down-stream requirements for unit requirements.
It shows inter-connection between requirements in a matrix form. When requirements need to be changed, users can find related requirements and make changes accordingly.
  • SILKROAD manages and traces requirements and configuration efficiently by data integration between 3rd party’s developing tools and self-developed tools.
  • btn_gs
  • btn_tuv