- NSE Technology Inc. has been founded in January 2011 as the first research company funded by Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety(KINS) and registered as a venture enterprise in 2013, and Technology Innovation SME(INNO-BIZ) in 2015. Since the foundation, NSE has constantly conducted researches in Nuclear Power System and Engineering Based Solution development. By basing the accumulated capabilities aquired from Nuclear research field experiences, NSE is concentrating on ICT Solution development to advance to businesses such as Automotive, Defense, Aerospace, Railway and Medical fields in which high reliable software is vitally demanded.
- The prime core technologies of NSE include Engineering-Based ICT Solutions, Cyber Security, Nuclear R&D, I&C H/W & S/W Design & Manufacture, Human Factors Engineering and Radiation Safety Evaluation. Especially, NSE has developed various platforms such as SILKROAD ALM(Application Lifecycle Management), SILKROAD CM(Configuration Management), SILKROAD DMS(Document Management System), ISTM(In Service Test Management), REPS(Radiological Emergency Preparedness System) to apply them for nuclear power plant and other business fields.
- To get optimized for engineering-based solution development, NSE has balanced work force ratio by 43% for solution development team, 42% for engineering team. Hence NSE resulted in establishing systematic design and development environment. As well as development resources, by setting qualtity control team(8%) and support/management team(7%) NSE secured high qualities in product development.
- ALM solution plays a key role in view of process, traceability and visibility as product lifecycle management of application SW. Silkroad designed with these characteristics is developed in the NSE itself for source technologies. This design principle can be flexible customer response.
- It is essential for a high quality SW to have a competitive edge. The use of SW engineering tools is indispensable to enhance the quality of SW. The quality of the SW system used depends on the quality of the process.
In this respect, we expect that the SILKROAD will save a great deal of effort and cost in development and quality management.